- Build your Wild Self: http://www.buildyourwildself.com/
- DNA from the Beginning: http://www.dnaftb.org/1/
- Learn Genetics: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/
- Mendel's Pea Experiment: http://www.sonic.net/~nbs/projects/anthro201/exper/
Animation Library (PCR, Southern blot, sequencing, polymorphisms), Cold Spring Harbor Lab DNA Learning Center
- Bacterial Transformation Lab, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Science Education Partnership
- Basics of DNA Fingerprinting, Washington University
- Basic Principles of Genetics: An Introduction to Mendelian Genetics (Probability of Inheritance, Exceptions), Athro, Limited
- Beyond Discovery: Human Gene Testing, National Academy of Sciences, Nature of Genes, Telltale Genetic Sequences, Disease Genes, Copying Techniques, Tracking Colon-Cancer Gene, Medicine Transformed, Gene Testing, Social Dilemmas, Genetic Research, Human Gene Testing
- Biology Project: Human Biology, human genetic problem sets and tutorials (Blood Types (en Español) inheritance, Rh factors, Color Blindness, constructing pedigrees, mapping chromosomes, genetic disorders, DNA Forensics)
- BioForum lecture series, California Academy of Sciences, Access Excellence
- Blackett Family DNA Activity, University Arizona
- Bringing Genetics to Life: Genes and You, Genetic Interest Group and Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom
- Children Resemble Their Parents, DNA Learning Center
- Classic Papers in Genetics, classic papers of Mendel, Sutton, Morgan, others
- DNA From the Beginning, multimedia primer on the basics of genetics and heredity, including Children Resemble their parents and various concepts explained, Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- DNAinteractive (DNAi) interactive web site, commemorates 50th anniversary of James Watson and Francis Crick's discovery of the structure of DNA, Dolan DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, funded by HHMI, resources, including animations of molecular machinery, video interviews of scientists involved in unraveling the mysteries of DNA
- DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Detection of Alu BY PCR, Graphics Gallery
- DNA profiling, Human Genome Project, DNA model kit, Human Genetics Dilemma Debate (English, Français, Deutsch, Italiano, Nederlands, Eesti), European Initiative for Biotechnology Education (EIBE)
- DNA Testing, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
- Double Talking Helix Blues, book and tape, J Herskowitz , J Cuddihy, DEC, 1993, ISBN: 0879694319, also, YOUnique RAP
- The Genetic Code, Univ. Texas Health Center, Tyler, nucleic acid triplet / amino acid
- Gene CRC (Cooperative Research Centre for Discovery of Genes for Common Human Diseases), Kids only (about genetics, games, what words mean), Learning Centre (fact pages, genethics, understanding genetics, glossary, other), Victoria, Australia
- Gene Media Forum, audio/video, transcripts. Genes, race, intelligence, cloning, testing, justice, health (under revision)
- Gene Connection™, gel box to study Ohm's Law and relative atomic mass, labs introducing micropipetting and gel electrophoresis, finger printing lab, scenarios
- Gene Map of the Human Genome, NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information)
- Gene Stories, BBC stories and online activities, genetics basics, Clone Zone, albinism, Life is a Lottery
- Gene Therapy Primer (animation, need Shockwave Flash Plug-In), PBS, Cracking the Code, December 1997 (no longer available)
- GeneLink, Washington University
- Genes, Genomes, and Human Genetics, on-line course, Department of Genetics, Rutgers University and the Waksman Institute, introductory college course (register and view free)
- The Genetic Code
- Genetic Education Materials (GEM) Database, public health genetics policy documents, clinical genetics educational materials, National Newborn Screening & Genetics Resource Center (NNSGRC), Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal & Child Health Bureau (MCHB)
- Genetic Literacy: Meeting the Teaching Challenge, American Museum of Natural History
- Genetic Privacy and Legislation, Department of Energy
- Genetic Science Learning Center, DNA, chromosomes, mutations, genetic disorders, genetics in society, thematic units, Eccles Institute, University of Utah, Institute of Human Genetics, and Utah Museum of Natural History, Salt Lake City, Utah, resources for hands-on experiments, classroom activities, making low cost lab equipment, and section for teens about genetic science
- Genetics Home Reference, National Library of Medicine, genetic conditions and genes responsible for conditions
- Genetics Lesson Plan Ideas, The Green-Eyed Monster Lesson Plan Internet Resources, ClassBrain.com
- Genetics Movie, DNA, interactive quizzes, other movies, lesson ideas, quizzes, other, very appealing, Brainpop.com
- Genetics and Genomics Timeline, Genome News Network, Center for the Advancement of Genomics (TCAG)
- Genetics Science Education, GenLink
- Genome Consortium for Active Teaching (GCAT), Biology Department, Davidson College, NC
- GENSCOPE: Multi-level Science: Genetics from DNA to Populations
- Graphics Gallery, Essential Cell Biology, for introductory biology students
- High School Hub: Biology
- Hispanic Educational Genome Project, California State Univ., Los Angeles, CA
- Human Telomere Atlas & Database and Human Imprinting Map, Department Human Genetics, University of Chicago
- HUM-MOLGEN - Internet Communication Forum in Human Molecular Genetics
- Human Genome Center, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, map of chromosome 19, FISH images, DNA sequencing, instrumentation, genetic biotechnology
- Inherited Disease Genes Identified by Positional Cloning, NHGRI
- Introduction to Genetics, GlaxoSmithKline
- Java Genetics, ZeroBio, JavaScript tutorial on Mendelian genetics probability and Punnett Squares, 11 Biology students, Ontario, Canada
- Kids Genetics, information, activities and games, ages 7-12, GlaxoSmithKline
- Online Mendelian Inheritance In Man, catalog of human genes and genetic disorders, links to Entrez database of MEDLINE articles
- Our Genes / Our Choices, 3-part series, Fred Friendly Seminars, Jan 2003
- Molecular Medicine in Action (MMIA), Indiana Univ. School of Medicine, for secondary /college students, animations: obtaining cells for karyotype (cytogenetics steps), DNA isolation, fluorescence microscopy, gene therapy,electrophoresis, PCR, flow cytometry, viral vectors, sorting cells A hands-on program for high school students to experience the methods scientists use in unlocking and modifying the genetic code of disease.
- Positionally Cloning Human Disease Genes, genetic maps of all human genetic disorders and diseases, chromosomal abnormalities
- Sequence for Yourself, by Rick Groleau, Cracking the Code of Life, NOVA
- Science Games and Competitions, BBC (Stars in Your Child's Eyes. other)
- Scientific American Frontiers (Gene Hunters, watch online, NOVA [Passion for DNA, Gene Reader, Fishing for Baby Genes, Island Genes, Clock of Life, Bypass Genes, Gene Therapy, Y Chromosome, other], Oct 2001, PBS Series
- Understanding Heredity, by Lexi Krock, Watch The Program (16 Chapters)
- What the Heck is a Gene? JCBrown, Microbiology, University of Kansas
- What is Gene Testing? Lawrence Berkeley Lab
- Winding Your Way Through DNA, University of California, San Francisco, DNA scientists, interviews
- Woodrow Wilson Biology Collection, activities, Princeton, New Jersey, human ecology, bioethics, biotechnology and genetics
- WebQuest on Genetics (high school biology), LFitzgerald, Apollo High School, Glendale, AZ, 2000
- What Does "Genetic" Mean (Mendelian inheritance, examples), Anthro Limited
- What is a gene? KidsHealth
- You and Your Genes: Making it in a Tough Environment, U.S. Dept Health and Human Services / National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIEHS/NIH Publication #98-4367, 2000
- Your Genes, Your Health, Dolan DNA Learning Center